Global experience and expertise...

As a consultant, executive and entrepreneur, I have a 25 year track record of leading all aspects of the innovation process, from inspiration to implementation, realising new customer value and significant business growth.
I have worked with leading, globally renowned businesses in UK/Europe, USA and JAPAC, and have depth of experience in Design, Retail, e-Commerce, Telecommunications, Media and Technology. Companies I have worked with and for include Accenture, Arcadia, CBA, KDDI, LVMH, Stockland, Ted Baker, Telstra, Vodafone and Woolworths Group.
I have worked within organisations structured for innovation leadership, and within those that present the challenge of shifting mindsets and orchestrating successful innovation across silos, providing the insight to collaborate with teams and at every level of innovation capability.
The quintessential entrepreneur Thomas Edison established innovation as a profession that blends art, science, business acumen and a keen insight into customers and markets. As an early 'digital' entrepreneur, I founded the art and design business, Signarture, whilst my academic qualifications span science and business.
I hold a B.Sc.(Hons) in Microbiology from the University of Bristol, UK; a High Distinction toward the Masters of Business Innovation & Digital Technology from AGSM UNSW, Australia; and certifications from the world's leading practitioners in strategic design and innovation. For a comprehensive list and further background, please refer to my LinkedIn profile.
Whether you're leading an established multi-national enterprise, or a born global start up that's now scaling up, I'm passionate about helping you realise your strategic innovation ambition.