Ecosystem enabling operating models can accelerate organisational learning and responsiveness in the face of multiple plausible futures, create synergies that improve the economics of innovation, and accelerate the iterative process of innovation, significantly reducing the time between idea and realization and scale.
Einstein famously said that today’s problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them, and history suggests he was right. Solving societal challenges through the centuries has typically relied on break-through technologies and break-out thinking. It has relied on imagining, or re-imagining, the world and then making that re-imagined world real. On creativity and innovation.
Design leadership illuminates pathways to a sustainable future. Extraordinary complexity calls for critical, holistic and systemic strategic thinking; the reframing of challenges as opportunities; and a systematic exploration of generating and exploring possible solutions. This is what designers are trained to do.
Moving from a digital age of two-dimensional interaction to a virtual age of three-dimensional immersion will impact everything from employee learning, development, engagement and collaboration, to customer experience and community building, to the design of innovative products, services and business models
The future begins and exists only in our imagination. You need the capability to recognize early signals, longer term patterns and harness diverse perspectives. And to mobilize your organisation, and those within your ecosystem, through creating and sharing stories of a future that speaks to your collective values.